raditionally a centre of studies in law since its foundation in 1506, nowadays the University of Urbino is renowned mostly for teaching and research in the life sciences, humanities, economics and language studies.
With almost 15,000 students and 6 departments is increasingly gaining recognition attracting students from all over Italy and abroad. During the 1960s/70s, the University succeeded in buying up quite a number of palaces in the old center which have since been restored and used as faculty and department buildings transforming the town in a "city campus". While the student body and faculties gradually increased and developed over time it was under the long and presidency of Senator for Life Carlo Bo that the University enjoyed unprecedented growth in size and prestige, prompting the former president of the European Community Commission, Roy Jenkins, to state that "the University of Urbino is an incisive presence in contemporary thought, contributing in original ways to the cultural and intellectual life of Europe". This was also the period where architect Giancarlo De Carlo designed and built the University Halls of Residence, which can accommodate 1,500 students.
The complex covers about 62.000 square meters, was designed to provide a unique life experience, not just an accommodation, and common and public spaces, in which people can meet informally, study, discuss, relax or simply hangout, prevail the over the private ones. And, unusual in those days, men and women shared the same spaces, and there was no clear demarcation between the areas that are dedicated to the students and those that are open to the citizens.
The University has always considered the "Collegi" as a very important facility to permits students and teachers to fully participate the university’s life both within the campus and within the "city campus". It has been since the opening of these facilities that thousands of students have had the possibility to stay in Urbino coming from far away, both from Italy and abroad. This has been important for these former students but also for the University that, compared to other institutions of similar size, has had the chance to be attractive and to provide an excellent quality of the services offered, not available in other places. Thus, the Urbino’s "Collegi" have been and will continue to be instrumental for the university to maintain its attraction and to qualify as an institution capable of offering a high quality services to registered students.
擁有近15,000名學生和6個學系,烏爾比諾大學正日益獲得認可,吸引來自意大利及其他國家的學生。在1960年代和1970年代,大學成功地購得了古老城區的許多宮殿,後來這些宮殿得以修復並用作學院和部門的建築,將城鎮轉變為一個"城市校園"。隨著時間的推移,學生和教職員逐漸增加並發展,然而,正是在終身參議員卡洛·博(Carlo Bo)的長期領導下,該大學在規模和聲望上經歷了前所未有的增長,前歐洲共同體委員會主席羅伊·詹金斯曾表示"烏爾比諾大學是當代思想中一個有力的存在,以獨特的方式為歐洲的文化和知識生活做出貢獻"。同時,建築師吉安卡洛·德·卡洛(Giancarlo De Carlo)設計並建造了可容納1,500名學生的大學宿舍,這也是該時期的特點。
For more information visit Giancarlo De Carlo "Collegi" in Urbino CMP